segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2012

There to be (past) - 1º Ano

1 - Complete with there was, there were, was there or were there
(a) __________ a student near here.
(b)__________ two students near here?
(c) __________ a book on the table.
(d) __________ many students in the classroom.
(e) __________ any pens on the desk?
(f) __________ a girl sitting there?
(g) __________ a woman in the bathroom?
(h) __________ some women in the bathroom.

* Past continuous
2 – Translate theses sentences:
(a) He was teaching Portuguese.
(b) She was not studying for a test.
(c) Was Pedro drinking coffee?
(d)Maria and Julie were teaching Math.
(e) Juan was not reading a book.
(f) Julio was writing a book.
(g) Were they listening to music?
(h) We were walking along the sea.
(i) Joao was watching TV.
3 – Indique se as sentenças da questão 2 estão na forma negativa, interrogativa ou afirmativa.

* Palavras cognatas
4 – Faça uma pesquisa sobre a definição de palavras cognatas. Defina, também, o que são os falsos cognatos.
5 – Faça uma lista contendo, pelo menos, vinte palavras cognatas, com seus respectivos

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